UK Cabinet Members State a Preference for Obama

Huffington Post - 07/27/2012

Romney's foreign trip that was suppose to highlight his foreign policy expertise as begun with a rather rough start. After offending top British officials including David Cameron and starting a minor media uproar Romney has backtracked on his comments that London isn't ready for the Summer Olympics. Prime Minister David Cameron was reported through British media to be rather irked by Romney's comments and the Mayor of London rallied a crowd by saying "Mitt Romney want to know if we are ready? Are we?" met to many cheers and jeers. Both Cameron and London Mayor Boris Johnson are conservatives. However, the relationship between American and British conservatives has been turning more sour. This has been seen after the resurgence of the neoconservative movement. As a top Tory leader said it "Our head is with Romney, but our heart is with Obama."

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