Final Four

There are now only 19 days left until the Republican National Convention and then 8 days later the Democratic National Convention will convenience. So while we all patiently await the events one of the most pressing questions that are igniting amongst internet search engines, who will Romney select to be his Vice President and running mate?

Most of the blogs and news articles are pinpointing a select few “most likely” with some variation these top contenders include Rob Portman , Tim Pawlenty , Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio. These are the names that have been mention in conjunction with Romney in a variety of polls in key areas and for key demographics. All of these latest polling attempts are only adding to the endless speculation as to if they will be a benefit or if they’ll be dead weight going into the November elections.

One of the most likely selections and a name that has been mentioned from the start is Senator Rob Portman from Ohio, he has been ceaselessly campaigning for Romney in the extremely important swing state of Ohio and many see that having a tie with the Senator could increase his likely hood of securing the state. The other candidate who holds a similar sway is that of Florida Senator Marco Rubio. Rubio made it into headlines with his construction of an alternative to the DREAM Act. While Rubio ended up scrapping his legislation after Obama announced he would discontinue deporting young illegal immigrants,  Rubio would still be helpful ally for Romney to have in Florida as he could help bridge the Latino gap.

The next two likely candidates include Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty and another young star in the GOP Paul Ryan. Pawlenty is a bit different from the other members of the VP short list in that he is a Washington outsider something that resonates well within the GOP. This along with middle class appeal could make him a great selection for a running mate. Lastly Paul Ryan while he soared in Republican popularity following his “Ryan Budget” much controversy has followed this proposed budget which would radically transform Medicare affecting older Americans. He now is seen as the largest gamble if chosen to be the Vice President.  While Ryan could stir up some much needed enthusiasm for the Republican base he is still highly risky. Not only does the controversial budget bring on a plethora of attack possibilities for Democrats, including bringing up the Catholic Church’s rebuke of his budget after Ryan stated his faith was influential in creating it. Attacking his budget on the means of cutting Medicare, but also on the fact Ryan is a political insider something that is generally seen as unfavorable amongst the Republican base.

We will continue to make educated guesses and weigh the pros and cons of every candidate until the Romney campaign decides to release the much anticipated news. So whether you have already downloaded the Romney VP App, or have been diligently watching for Wikipedia updates on your candidate of choice at least we can all reason that no later than 19 days is all that we have left to wait.

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