RNC Prepares for Romney Speech

Tonight marks the end of this years Republican National Convention, and Mitt Romney’s acceptance speech which will be the most important night of his long presidential campaign. Of course over the next 68 days there still remains plenty of opportunities to get in more talking points especially with the fast approaching and much anticipated Presidential and Vice Presidential debates. But, tonight during Romney’s acceptance speech will be one of his final moments to connect with the electorate in a way that he has struggled with over the duration of the campaign.

While Ann Romney lit up the stage during Tuesday nights speech, instead of convincing people that Mitt was a warm and personable candidate, her speech only solidified that Ann is as charming and warm as she always is when she speaks with the media. What the people are still missing from the equation is Mitt Romney’s ability to connect to the electorate himself not through stump speeches made from his wife or top members of the GOP.

Mitt Romney’s lack of zeal and warmth paired with a 2012 presidential campaign leaning heavily toward the negative has cast a doubt about Mitt Romney’s character and leave him trailing in vital swing states. These include the vitally important and electoral vote rich states of Ohio and Florida.While Ann Romney’s as well as Paul Ryan’s speeches have made for a great introduction, what the American people are ready to see is not only for Mitt Romney to convince us that he is a terrific, funny and compassionate man without help from his wife or staff. But, also for him to solidify for Republicans, Independents and the nation at large in a concrete manner what his policies are. Instead of focusing on Obama, tonight is Romney’s opportunity to draw the attention to himself.

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